Wednesday, May 17, 2006

pystone/richards benchmarks, upcoming 0.0.9

I have been working over the past few days to get the pystone and richards benchmarks compiling well. as they do now, I added them to the test set. both are very simple from a type inference perspective, but they did help me uncover and fix several minor and a few major issues.

the speedups on my computer are about 10 for pystone and 185 (!) for richards. the latter is probably due to the fact that richards is heavily OO, and C++ compilers know how to efficiently implement that! :-)

I hope to release a 0.0.9 version within a few weeks, with these and some other changes. there is one problem that I have observed a few times now, that I would like to fix before that. sometimes, type information is lost during inference, so that results are incomplete.. I think I know what causes the problem.

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